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New Golden Retriever Puppy Owner. 27. Permanently covered in dog fur.

So, introduction time. My name is Christina and for as long as I can remember I’ve always wanted a dog. More specifically a golden retriever. However, as most people know or can appreciate, dogs take a lot of time and need a lot of care, especially as pups, so it’s been a long waiting game for me.

My work is freelance and sporadic, and as such I spend a lot of time at home, but I knew getting a pup I’d potentially need to take time off of work or turn jobs down to get him settled in, something that I was happy to do, but something that I wasn't going to do yet... cue Corona virus. 

Aside from losing me all my work for the foreseeable future, the lockdown presented me with the perfect gift. I had the time to settle a puppy in. 


  1. Social Distancing was followed at all times during the process of getting Cooper.

  2. He won’t be abandoned when lockdown is over, a dog has been on the cards for years, I didn’t just see one and go ‘oh he’s cute!’ 

I joined a few forums on Facebook specifically for Golden Retrievers and I got a whole lot of hate from pretentious dog owners who treated anyone getting a puppy at this time as an irresponsible chancer getting a dog on a whim- Not the nicest introduction to dog ownership! But anyway, after that, it put me off asking anymore questions online, I didn’t want to be someone’s anger management stress relief!

This left me at a bit of a loss, thankfully I had a lot of relatives with other breeds of dog who could steer me through the basics, but the learning curve when I got Cooper was a steep one. 

That is what really inspired me to write this. When I went shopping for puppy supplies I was in way over my head, what size bed should I get? One that will fit him as a puppy or a big one that will fit him as an adult? Crate or no crate? What size crate? What size collar? What toys? Can he have those treats?

So I’ll stop rambling now. But I hope some of these articles help out other first time puppy owners- and everyone else alike! I mean I’m by no means a dog expert and I don’t claim to be, this is just what I’ve learnt as I’ve muddled my way through Puppy Parenthood!

Also just to note, I am NOT sponsored by any of the products or companies that I mention on this site. All opinions are my own (and Cooper's...and sometimes my Dad's dog Hugo). 

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